International Nurses Day Theme For 2024

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International Nurse’s Day is celebrated on the 12th of May since 1965. This day commemorates the contribution of nurses to the public.

The International Nurses Day theme for 2024 is “Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health.

History of International Nurse’s Day

Initially, in 1953, Dorothy Sutherland of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare proposed to celebrate nurses’ day. However, the proposal was rejected by Dwight D. Eisenhower. 

Later, it was officially established in January 1974 by the International Council of Nurses (ICN). They declared that May 12 would be “International Nurse Day.” Although they have been celebrating nurses’ day since 1965.

Each year International Council of Nurses releases a variety of resources to support the celebration of nurse’s day worldwide. These resources include promotional and education materials.

These materials intend to promote awareness about the nursing profession and the vital roles of nurses in health care to provide quality health services. 

Also, ICN includes awareness materials highlighting the issues within the nursing profession, the impact of economic factors, and ongoing struggles against inadequate pay and work conditions.  

Purpose of Celebrating Nurses Day

By celebrating a special day allows appreciating and increasing awareness about the essential role nurses play in the health care system. 

In addition, it helps to identify issues within the nursing profession itself. This provides an opportunity to advance the nursing profession and keep up with ever-changing healthcare needs.

International Nurses Day Theme for 2022

Recently, the International Nursing Council has announced the theme for 2022 Nurses day. The slogan is “Nursing The World Back To Health.”

International Nurses Day Theme for 2021

This year’s theme was announced last October by the International Nursing Council.

The theme follows the past four years’ overarching theme Nurses: A Voice to Lead with the sub-theme for 2021  – A Vision for Future Healthcare.

(“Nurses: A Voice to LeadA Vision for Future Healthcare“)

This year’s theme focuses on how nursing will look into the future. And also how the profession will transform the next stage of healthcare after current COVID pandemic.

Like previous years, ICN is releasing various materials related to this year’s theme to support the celebration of nurses day.

Recent International  Nurses Day  Themes

YearPrevious International Nurse’s Day Themes
2023Our Nurses. Our Future
2022Nursing The World Back To Health
2021 Nurses: A Voice to Lead – A Vision for Future Healthcare
2020Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health
2019Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Health for All
2018Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right
2017Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
2016Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving Health Systems’ Resilience
2015Nurses: A Force for Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective
2014Nurses: A Force for Change – A vital resource for health
2013Closing The Gap: Millennium Development Goals
2012Closing The Gap: From Evidence to Action
2011Closing The Gap: Increasing Access and Equity
2010Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Chronic Care
2009Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Care Innovations
2008Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Primary Health Care and social care
2007Positive practice environments: Quality workplaces = quality patient care
2006Safe staffing saves lives
2005Nurses for Patients’ Safety: Targeting counterfeit medicines and substandard medication
2004Nurses: Working with the Poor; Against Poverty
2003Nurses: Fighting AIDS stigma, working for all
2002Nurses Always There for You: Caring for Families
2001Nurses, Always There for You: United Against Violence
2000Nurses – Always there for you
1999 Celebrating Nursing’s Past, claiming the future
1998Partnership for Community Health
1997Healthy Young People = A Brighter Future
1996 Better Health through Nursing Research
1995Women’s Health: Nurses Pave the Way
1994Healthy Families for Healthy Nation
1993Quality, costs, and Nursing
1992Healthy Aging
1991Mental Health – Nurses in Action
1990Nurses and Environment
1989 School Health
1988Safe Motherhood
All Nurses Day Themes since 1988
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